Hello lovely people!
I am beyond delighted to announce that my first zine/book has been published by Brown Owl Press.
Released April 2023
Edition of 50
56 pages
210 x 210mm
Saddle stitched
Full Colour
We have tried to make it as affordable as possible, you can purchase the zine for £9 at the BOP site. In addition I have also made two unique print editions (each come with an 8x10" print), which are available on my site.
Brown Owl Press is a small independent publisher run by Al Palmer and they have put out some really great titles so do check out their store.
The individual Polaroids are also available to purchase via my site using a Pay What You Want method.
Death Peeing, after Klinger - Tristan Unrau , 2024.
Canadian , b. 1989 -
Oil on linen, 47 x 36 in.
Reblogged from Cozyhuarique
Triumph Adler Gabriele 10 20 30 Instructions. n.d.
Reblogged from KUMMERBUND
They’re agile runners, they’re great divers…and they haven’t changed much in more than 20 million years! Though Malayan tapirs (Tapirus indicus) may be friend-shaped, resist the urge to boop their snoots: Adults can weigh more than 1,000 lbs (450 kg) and can run at speeds of up to 29.8 mph (48 km/h). They use their unique nose, called a proboscis, like a snorkel when submerged in water. Found in parts of southeastern Asia, these herbivores use a wide range of vocalizations, including hiccup-like sounds, to communicate.
Photo: Andy Hay, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons
Reblogged from American Museum of Natural History
Reblogged from 0 o o 8
Reblogged from FREE REFILLS